Arts & Entertainment

Boldly going where every nerd has gone before

By Tiffanie Reynolds |

Looking over a table filled with plush Companion Cubes and Portal 2, Team Fortress and Left 4 Dead shirts, two other girls and I gasped as the vendor slid a plush space core into a cardboard box. “Sorry,” he said, looking over at us with an amused smirk, “this won’t be on sale for another couple months.” As if on cue, the three of us “aw”ed in disappointment—even our shoulders slumped at the same time—and the two girls left while I stayed, deciding between buying the Portal 2 shirt I held in my hand or the one featuring Left 4 Dead on the other end of the table.

King Khan and the Shrines plays Cafe 11

By Ashley Kailyn Goodman | King Khan and the Shrines brought back the spirit of James Brown and drenched it with Indie rock during their performance at the Original Cafe 11 on Feb 8th. Berlin based garage rock band King Khan and the Shrines,…

The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus comes to Café 11

By Emily Coyne | The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus will play at The Original Café Eleven on Wednesday, Feb. 22at 8pm. The alternative rock band with pop-punk vibes, formed in 2003 in nearby Middleburg, Fla., by high school friends Ronnie Winter and Duke Kitchens. Their…

Local exhibit showcases eclectic Southern artists

By Ryan Buffa |
First Photo by Ryan Buffa
Additional photos by Rob Depiazza

For John Tindle and Michi Meko, their latest exhibit titled “Paper Chase” is about “cleaning the taps and letting it come out better,” Tindle said.

“Paper Chase,” presented by Space: 8 Gallery on West King Street, is the collaborative work of TindleMichi, Atlanta artists John Tindle and Michi Meko, who are also known as the “Two fat southern boys who paint.”

TindleMichi is contemporary art, just a little dirtier, a lot more attitude and more relevant to modern Southern society, the artists said.

Actor/Film-Maker Crispin Glover to bring his films to Florida, discusses them with the Gargoyle

You may know him from his roles in blockbusters such as George McFly in “Back to The Future”, the Knave of “Hearts in Alice in Wonderland”, or the main villain in “Charlie’s Angels”. Or you may recognize him for his smaller roles in cult films like “Rivers Edge” and “Willard”. However, Crispin Glover not only acts in films, he creates them as well with his own funds and vision.

Glover will be screening his slideshow and films Feb. 18 and 19 at the Sunray Theater, “It is Fine!” in Gainesville at the Hippodrome on the 21st and “It is Fine!” in Orlando at the Enzian on the 22nd.

Local DJs bring new beats to St. Augustine

By Katelyn Taylor |
Photo by Gunner Hughes
With only minutes to spare, Gunner Hughes, Rob Schanz and Austin Weeks cannot even afford to sit down to speak, as all of them are loading trucks, assembling lights and remixing songs before heading out for the first ever Meltdown Tour.

The idea of Meltdown began around last February, when Weeks, a Flagler College alumnus, and Hughes, a Flagler College junior, saw the need to bring something different to St. Augustine, Fla.