Arts & Entertainment

Review: Looking at ‘2016: Obama’s America’

By Charles Albert Lawrence |

With the 2012 election coming up, the new documentary, “2016: Obama’s America,” seeks to paint a clearer picture of our current President and Democratic nominee Barack Obama. The movie follows producer and star Dinesh D’Souza as he dissects Obama’s book, “Dreams Of My Father,” and the last four years of his presidency.

A passion for restoration

By Ashley Goodman |

Elaine and Duke Darnold aren’t just building contractors in St. Augustine — they are salvage experts. Recently they began their first Flagler College project with the restoration of the exterior and windows of historic Wiley Hall, home to the Registrar and faculty offices.

Artist To Watch: Dom

By Ashley Goodman |

“I’m not a surf rock band. I’m a new rave garage club electronic muffle pop wonder. I’m not like any of these bands, really. I do this for fun, not affirmation. I want more out of life than attention. I want to destroy the world.”

Music on the Mountaintop Festival

By Ashley Goodman |

Anyone looking for a last music festival roadtrip before school starts might want to check out this year’s Music On The Mountaintop Festival in Foscoe, N.C. For its fifth consecutive year, the festival brings some of the most underrated names in Folk, Americana and Bluegrass together for three days of dance and jubilation.

Spring concert series at the Amphitheater

By Emily Coyne| The temperature isn’t the only thing heating up this time of year. The summer concert circuit is heating up as well, especially at the St. Augustine amphitheater. The spring and summer concert line up has something to offer every music lover….