Cain and Bachmann speak at Tea Party event before Convention start

By Joshua Santos |

Editor’s Note: The Gargoyle’s Josh Santos is in Tampa covering the Republican National Convention.

With Tropical Storm Isaac delaying the start of the Republican National Convention, hundreds of supporters and Tea Party members gathered on Sunday evening in The River at Tampa Bay Church to hear former GOP presidential hopefuls speak.

Minnesota Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann gave praise to Mitt Romney and his vice presidential pick Paul Ryan saying Romney “has promised to repeal Obamacare on the very first day. We’re not going to see socialism implemented in our country.”

With Bachmann and former presidential candidate Herman Cain, “Unity Rally 2012” was meant to unite Tea Party groups and other organizations.

“Stay informed, because stupid people are ruining America,” said Cain. During the course of his speech he took a moment to thank the crowd for helping him launch his campaign after winning the Florida straw poll. He added that “even though I am no longer seeking the position of president, I am still on a mission to defeat Barack Obama in November.”

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