Broadsheet format boasts new features for The Gargoyle

By Glenn Judah

If you have not noticed the new changes, yet here’s your cheat sheet from the inside source: me.

From now on The Gargoyle will have special features displayed inside the left rail of each section frontpage. The features include columns, blogs, photos, event calendars, news briefs, polls, and content found only on

The section rails are there to highlight quick facts and give additional information to you, the reader. In each issue the section rails will be filled with different features specific to that issue.

Along with the print edition of The Gargoyle, has added new features.

No longer is The Gargoyle just printed words on a page. Our Web site now has streaming video and audio. to go along with the printed content. This convergence of media gives readers additional information not found in the print edition.

Because of this, is going to have a section specifically for media with sports highlights, interviews, and music from local artists.

The Web site will also be updated regularly each week with articles, blogs, video and audio.

The Gargoyle hopes these changes and new features increase reader interactivity. Comments posted on our Web site about content are always appreciated.

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