
Students try to form coalition against rape

By Andrew Sherwood

Student Coalition Against Rape (SCAR) is a student advocacy organization group that teaches rape prevention for students.

SCAR was originally created as a class project for students to increase the awareness of rape and sexual assault, but students who were involved in the project wanted their organization to expand and apply for club status.

“We are currently in the process of raising awareness,” said Marybeth Smith, English major and SCAR member.

The students who are involved with SCAR want their advocacy organization to be recognized by Flagler College as a club.

Assistant professor Tina Jaeckel and SCAR members are trying to get their organization rolling next semester. For further information on SCAR contact Marybeth Smith,

New members inducted into Omicron Delta Kappa

By Brittany Hackett

The following students have been inducted into Omicron Delta Kappa:
Chris Bacca
Jonathan M. Growick
Amber Brooke Zebley
Katie A. Cettei
Greg Gettman
Thomas Cobb Vickers
Adriana Sicari
Adrienne Sakyi
Amanda Cole
Caroline J. Chance
Lindsay S. Leibson
Carrie St. Clair
Stephanie Elaine Gibson
Kelly Ann Riling
Florian Tyler Boyce
Thomas Iacuzio
ODK is an academic honor society that recognizes individuals who have a high standard of leadership on campus.

Two workers needed for New Year’s Ball

From Staff

The Office of College Relations is looking for two students to assist with registration at the New Year’s Eve Scholarship Ball. The shift begins at 7:30 p.m. and concludes around 10:30 p.m. — plenty of time to still celebrate the New Year.

Workers will assist checking in the ball attendees and will be paid $10 per hour. The dress requirement is business or cocktail attire.

Interested students should contact Laura Stevenson at (904) 819-6205 or by e-mail at

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