Bikram Yoga studio heats up relaxation practice

By Bailey Latham |
Photo by Bailey Latham

Dripping sweat with 25 to 30 people in a room that is 105 degrees with 40 percent humidity may not sound like a place a person would want to go to, but for a St. Augustine yogi, a practitioner of yoga, this place sounds like heaven.

Bikram Yoga of St Augustine was founded 10 years ago but just recently moved to a new location on Anastasia Island. The nine instructors teach the decades-old art of Bikram yoga, which is a class of 26 postures and two breathing exercises in a very hot room.

Flagler College student Emily Christy, chose the “10 classes for $20” offer that Bikram of St. Augustine offers the community. “I like Bikram yoga because the really intense, focused moments are followed by moments of complete relaxation,” Christy said.

Gabriela Ospina, another Flagler College student took the 30-day challenge and said, “at the beginning I thought I wasn’t going to able to finish it, but halfway through the month, I got more into it…the days I missed the yoga classes, I felt my day wasn’t complete. Most of the teachers learned my name and encouraged me to come back the next day and finish the challenge. They do care about you and want you to get every benefit that you could get from practicing this yoga.”

“This place keeps me sane, I don’t know where I would be without Bikram yoga, it is like home to me,” said yoga student Jessie Lauder. When you walk into the lobby, you are washed over with this feeling of calm, and warmth. Everyone who walks in through the door is smiling and exuberant to be at this yoga studio, about to experience another class.

You can discover more about Bikram yoga, its founder Yogiraj Bikram, and Bikram of St. Augustine at

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