Articles by Gabby Alfveby

Samantha Santiagos journey with cancer

By Quinn Sheehan Sam Santiago is a cancer survivor. She shares her story and shows that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Santiago was 27 when she was diagnosed and lives every day like there is no tomorrow.

Alex Gallagher: his legacy at Noble & Greenough

By Gabby Alfveby Most people have never heard of Noble & Greenough or its women’s basketball program. The boarding school sits on the Charles River and is located just 10 miles from Boston with a small student body of only 630 students. But despite their…

The epidemic of cellphones

By Sophia Cardona Cellphones, the epidemic of our generation, are falling into the hands of young ones.  Cellphones have become an extension of the human body. Kids, now more than ever, are exposed to easy and quick access to technological devices which could have a…

The health impacts of backpacks on college students

By Kelsey Hearns In today’s world, a college student would not suspect pain from the one thing that gets them through the school day, yet this is unfortunately the case.  From a young age, students have used backpacks as a functional way to carry their…