Articles by Gargoyle

Jacksonville woman aims to put the T first in LGBT

By Gabrielle Garay | Paige Mahogany sits on her dining room table with her phone propped up on a candle holder. On it, her reflection stares back as she streams herself on Facebook live and chats to the viewers. The screen is lighting up…

How to: Rincon, Puerto Rico

By Ethan McAlpin | Over spring break, I was blessed with the opportunity to travel to Rincon, Puerto Rico with 11 others for the entire week,  Sunday to Sunday.  The trip was more than just a typical college spring break on a beach. The getaway was full of exploring beaches with…

Internet privacy regulations on Trump’s agenda

By Austin Sanchez | In a significant blow to Obama-era FCC regulations, the House voted last week to reverse internet privacy rules and now has set their sights on net neutrality laws. Congress invoked the powers of a Congressional Review to overturn an FCC ruling…

Combatting rising seas with alternative methods

By Lauren Schroeder | Rising sea levels and the flooding that follows is becoming a pressing issue for coastal property owners in St. Augustine, but not only the residents are being affected. According to the St. Augustine Record, the city is “one of three…

Flagler surf team clinches podium spot at East Coast Championships

By Jessica Rowan | The National Scholastic Surfing Association (NSSA), held the 2017 East Coast Championships this past weekend in New Smyrna Beach Inlet. NSSA is an association that hosts surf contests all over the country catering to surfers of all age divisions. Surfers…

Wanting to be heard

By Roxie Steward | They kept thanking us. They kept thanking us for asking questions. At the beginning of the semester, a classmate and I decided to do a video about the Islamic Center on State Road 207 in St. Augustine, which happens to…

Flagler student finds way to combat pricey on-campus living

By Jessica Rowan |  Finding an apartment or home is always a challenge here in St. Augustine without burning a hole in your student savings, or parent’s wallet. But soon- to- be Flagler College junior, Armand Flutie, 19, figured out an alternative, more economical…

The Pink Tax: Not my bloody fault

By Katherine Hamilton | As Americans, we love sales, deals, and bargains. I have always chosen to partake in as much shopping as possible in order to stimulate economic growth; however, it wasn’t until recently  I realized women have been scammed into paying more…

The race to graduate is on

By Courtney Cox | As the spring semester quietly comes to a close, the massacre of frantic class scheduling begins. From the freshmen to the upper-classmen, the heightened stress of planning out our college careers never seems to let up. The fear of surpassing our…

Students push for more recycling on campus

By Megan Wright | When thinking of ways to be environmentally responsible in the home, the average American thinks of recycling. As of June 2015, St. Johns County citizens were given single-stream residential recycling bins, meaning residents can mix all types of recycling in a…