Articles by Gargoyle

A summer of courtrooms and murder trials

By Stephanie Gibson

Stephanie GibsonI woke up physically shaking and on the verge of tears. Robert Anthony Cannon, one of the men who admitted his responsibility in the brutal beatings, mutilation and murder of five people and a dog in Deltona, had escaped from the St. John’s County jail. He somehow managed his way past several sheriffs, killing anyone in his path. He recognized my face from the courtroom and he was coming after me.

Fortunately, it was all a dream. But I was literally “eating, breathing and sleeping” the news. Although in fact he was not after me, I still have chills thinking about that haunting nightmare.

Men’s soccer kicks it into high gear

Photo by Glenn Judah

Victories over two NCAA Div. I schools spark team to hot start

By Melissa Bear

The men’s soccer team begins their first official season of NCAA Div. II play facing probably one of the toughest schedules they have faced in a number of years, according to Head Coach John Lynch.

City feels parking pinch

Graphic By Carina Hayes

Flagler students hoping to rely on street parking this semester will need to re-think their plans. The City of St. Augustine will implement a new parking program around Flagler College limiting on-street parking to city residents only.

Closed for business: a sign of the times

Photo by Charlotte Cudd The now abandoned Allison’s on Anastasia closed almost without warning With local business closures this summer, Flagler students find new fun By Nick Massie As Flagler gets back into full swing, many of the returning students are wondering what happened to…

Buses break down, but Lady Saints keep rolling

By Devon Jeffreys Photo by Glenn Judah Sophomore middle blocker Leah Melton reaches over the block of William Penn to seal a point in the Aug. 31 match. The Lady Saints went on to a 3-0 victory. Melton’s 1.15 blocks per game lead the team….

Alcohol bust results in fifteen arrests

Students’ party raises questions about underage drinking and college’s alcohol policy By Adrienne Sakyi When police busted a party on the island the first weekend of the school year, they arrested 15 Flagler students — the three residents for throwing the party and 12 underage…

Have you been ‘Accepted’?

By Cari Holland A high school to college plot cliché is revisited although comically refreshed.The seen-before teen movie syndrome is remedied only with literal jokes and clumsy humor in the summer’s teen-flick “Accepted.”