Articles by Gargoyle

Dangerous infection hits locker room

Formerly found only in hospitals, staph strain becoming more prevalent

By Melissa Bear

At first glance, the scar on Krista McAra’s leg appears somewhat irregular. To the touch, scar tissue can be felt beneath the surface of her skin.

CD Review: New Found Glory

Coming Home

By Catherine McGlinchy

Almost two and a half years since their last album release of Catalyst in 2004, New Found Glory has produced another album for their track record. Coming Home, the seventh album by New Found Glory to date, was released on Sept. 19.

New athletics site hits Web

By Megan Kramer The Flagler College Athletic Web site recently got a facelift. The new site was unveiled on Oct. 18, by John Jordan, Flagler College’s Sports Information Director.

CD Review: Robert Randolph and the Family Band

Bring’n Back that Soul-Funk

By Kristin Chambers

What do Eric Clapton, Leela James, Dave Matthews and Leroi Moore all have in common? Robert Randolph and the Family Band feature them all as guest artists on the new-funk/old-soul album of the recently-released CD titled Colorblind. Combined with vocals that stir a mix of Outkast and Lenny Kravitz, these catchy beats make you want to break out that New Orleans party dress to soul-sa the night away.

Remembering Lindsay and Jessica

Last November, a car accident killed Flagler students Lindsay Chain and Jessica Kaufman. On Oct. 19 family, friends, and President William T. Abare. Jr. gathered at the site of the accident on I-95 in southern St. Johns County, to honor the two girls as roadside memorials were placed.

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Graphic by Carina Hayes

By Bill Weedmark

Enormous popularity and hype about Sony’s PlayStation 3 and Nintendo’s Wii have made the two videogame systems hot items for this year’s holiday wish-lists.

But with the high demand and low number of units shipping out, getting your hands on either one by year’s end might end up costing a few thousand dollars.

Flagler mourns loss of Graber

By Tom Iacuzio

A 23-year-old former Flagler College student was found dead in his burned out Lincolnville apartment on Oct. 26.

Police identified the victim as Thomas H. Graber of 91 Washington St.

St. Augustine Police Sgt. Barry Fox said Graber had been stabbed and the fire was set to cover up the crime.

They want to ride their bicycles

Conference bikes provide unique way of traveling ’round’ St. Augustine Photo by Amy Kingsnorth David Saunders tours around downtown on a conference bike with locals and tourists, showing them the sights in a unique way. The bike culture of St. Augustine also includes customized tall…

Art professor retires after 35 years

Photo by Charlotte Cudd
Torcoletti’s art has been displayed in more than 15 exhibitions since 1990.

By Cari Holland

Think back to the year of 1971. For most current Flagler students that is impossible, although fun to imagine. For others it is a colorful recollection.

Since that year, Enzo Torcoletti has been sharing his artistic expertise with Flagler College students. With a career spanning more than 35 years, current students, Alumni, friends and fellow faculty of Torcoletti speak glowingly of him.

Photo Gallery

Muller lands dream internship

By Abigail Wendle

Music can be artistic, intellectual or political. We can listen and relate to it alone or allow it to draw us out of ourselves and bring us into devoted communities. Whatever our individual relationship with music is, there is no doubt that it is powerful and human.