Articles by Gargoyle

Young team takes the court

By Megan Kramer As a young Flagler College Tennis team prepares for its first NCAA season, Coach Walter Shinn thinks his team looks solid. “I have already seen a lot of improvement in the pre-season,” he said. This is a building year for a team…

Family, friends gather for candlelight memorial for Thomas Graber

Photo by Andrea Huls
Family, friends, students, faculty and staff take a moment to remember Thomas H. Graber at an Oct. 8 memorial in the Flagler Room. Graber was stabbed to death in his home in Lincolnville on Oct. 26.

By Andrea Huls

Kind. Loyal. Sincere. Unique. Passionate. Funny. A gentleman. This was Thomas Graber, a great guy, a true friend. Tears, but also laughter, filled the Flagler Room as his friends, professors and Flagler College remembered him on Oct. 8.

One by one, Graber’s friends walked up to the podium to share a fun experience or a memory that described who he really was.

Patrick Higgins, political science major, became friends with Graber in a research methods class a few semesters ago. According to Higgins, unlike most students on campus, Graber loved the dining hall food. Both had meal plans, and after class they would eat lunch together and have a good time.

CD Review: Deftones

Saturday Night Wrist

By Bill Weedmark

After a three-year break, the Deftones are back. Saturday Night Wrist brings the band back to the sounds that made White Pony one of their best albums, while still feeling like a step forward rather than a cheap imitation of their older songs.

Unlike the self-titled Deftones, which was a much heavier, guitar-driven album, Saturday Night Wrist is a darker, more melancholy album that has an almost ethereal quality to it. The heavy guitar is still there, but it’s balanced with a more prominent bass and more sedate, melodic vocals.

CD Review: John Legend

Once Again By Lisa Dalrymple John Legend is certainly on his way to becoming a legend in the ever-evolving R&B genre — the key phrase being “on his way.” He uses a melting pot of classical, pop, and even disco sounds to create a well-rounded…

Moving back home after graduation losing stigma

By Kim Hartman

College graduates moving back home after graduation — an escape from Alcatraz or return to Paradise? The once widely-considered symbol of failure has become increasingly more common among college students across the country.

It’s not your average laundry pile

Aspiring fashion designers can sell their wares online at

By Megan Dassuncao

“Nude no more” is the motto for, and this inventive saying seems to be just like their T-shirts. Each shirt for sale has a strange picture or statement and is given a name that is printed where a tag would be on the back of the shirt. One of their most popular shirts, “The Communist Party,” has political figures such as Karl Marx, Joseph Stalin and Fidel Castro wearing party hats.

Ask the Gargoyle

What are the advantages of Flagler’s health insurance plans?

By Nicole Goyette

Flagler College provides all students taking six or more credits the option to buy two different health insurance plans: Plan I or Plan II, both from Bollinger Insurance Company. According to Christine Wages, assistant director of student accounts, advantages of these plans are, “it’s a low cost, low maintenance insurance plan.”

Bacardi commissions Martin

By Cari Holland

All passengers whose flights have just touched down at Jacksonville International Airport will take a walk through the terminal with their necks tilted back.

The sight that will keep their attention and their eyes close to the ceiling is a mural by Donald Martin, a Flagler College art professor of 25 years. Seven feet tall and 500 feet in length, it took two years to create. This massive painting beautifully depicts the history of northeast Florida and showcases our region’s ecological diversity.

Flagler officially owns FECI buildings

President William T. Abare, Jr. talks about campus construction progress By Rich Harris Despite some setbacks concerning campus development, Flagler College President William T. Abare, Jr., continues to look to the future in what may be considered the greatest period of growth in the college’s…

Movie Review: The Squid and the Whale

A dysfunctional family comedy

By Megan Dassuncao

An independent film by Noah Baumbach, The Squid and the Whale, will have you laughing throughout the whole movie. This strange story, now on video and DVD, takes place in Brooklyn, New York in 1986 where two boys are struggling to deal with their parents’ divorce. This is not a typical “family” movie. The dad, played by Jeff Daniels, is a writer and professor who is slowly losing his ability to produce quality books. While the mother, played by Laura Linney, is finally taking off in the literary world. This is just one piece to the separation.