Articles by Gargoyle

Snapshots of a soldier

Flagler student serves with Army in Iraq while completing his degree

Photo contributed
Matt Fast completed basic training in Ft. Bliss, Texas, in 2003. He was deployed to Iraq in 2006.

By Brittany Hackett

A quiet night in Baghdad is shaken violently as a mortar explodes over a U.S. military compound. Troops jump from bed, gather up their gear and prepare themselves for whatever comes next.

While this might sound terrifying to civilians in the safety of the U.S., it’s just another night of ruined sleep for Army Reservist and Flagler College student Matt Fast who is stationed in the Iraqi capital.

Flagler considers extending semesters

By Alicia Nierenstein

Flagler College is currently in discussions that could result in longer semesters by the 2008-2009 school year.

While there has been talk of semester extension amongst the faculty and administration for a few years, Flagler had found that after comparison to other peer institutions, such as the University of Florida, Stetson University and Rollins College, Flagler has come out as the school with the shortest semesters in the entire state of Florida. Other schools typically end in the very last week of April, or the beginning weeks of May.

College textbooks to be tax exempt?

Florida legislature proposes bill that could save students up to $100/year By Jennifer Gager A new bill in the Florida Legislature could save students $50 to $100 dollars on textbooks a year. Freshman Lindsay Watters was amazed at the cost of books last semester. “Oh…

A session with Matt Slaughter

By Jeff Little

Matt Slaughter is a Junior from Ocean City, New Jersey, and began surfing there when he was 10 years old. For the past two years he has lived on B Street in St. Augustine Beach. Slaughter spends much of his time in the water out in front of 2nd Street and loves living it up.

New faces, same results

Surf team still packs punch despite lack of funds

By Ryan Brower

As I sat there at Bethune Beach during the most recent National Scholastic Surf Association (NSSA) contest, I overheard a member of the University of Central Florida Surf Team bragging about the hefty funds that sit at their feet from their school, sponsors, and alumni donations: entire team surf trips, huge team parties, and they’re even in the middle of producing a video!

Food or Fun?

Many students choose high tech gadgets over necessity items

Illustration by Dan McDonald

By Summer Bozeman

Do you have an iPod? A camera phone? A flatscreen TV? If you do, then you’re probably in the majority of Flagler students. But what did you sacrifice to buy them?

According to the National Retail Federation, college students spent $7.5 billion on electronics and computer equipment in 2004, separate from the $2.1 billion they spent on school supplies. The only thing the survey found students spent more on was textbooks — with $8.8 billion — and the numbers have only risen in the following years. The problem is that many students will spend their “bread money” on luxury items, forcing themselves to subsist on Spaghetti-Ohs and Cup ‘O Noodles.

Strolling down Silver Lake Drive

A local, 1970s-inspired R&B band strays from the mainstream sound

By Kristen Shea

Silver Lake Drive is a street in Palatka where four guys got together and started jamming, and eventually named their band after the starting point of their careers.