Articles by Gargoyle

Reaching New Heights

By Molly Gadawski | Looking to reach new and exciting heights through your Flagler College experience? If the answer is yes, you may want to look into joining one of our newest clubs on campus – rock climbing. Students Chaize Harrell and Christopher Hightower have…

St. Augustine tourism and businesses adapt to COVID-19

By Maiya Mahoney St. Augustine, Fla., is now truly a ghost town. St. Augustine’s cobblestone streets remain barren, most businesses are closed and the trolleys full of tourists are nowhere to be found. As of March 17, all bars have had to close and restaurants…

You Don’t Need This

By Ally Wall I sat on the edge of a dock. Cool spring air floated across the water. The stars twinkled above me and kept my mind from the swirling darkness in my heart. In this moment I forgave myself. For the fists left in…

8 ways to stay sane while staying home

By Kyra Pooley Everyone handles new experiences differently.  When the world suddenly goes into panic mode during a global pandemic, it can be hard to know how to respond and what to do.  Regardless of what you’ve been up to, it’s been about 2 weeks…