Articles by Gargoyle

Groceries on a Budget: Tips for Students, from Students

By Kolbe Gelbaugh Managing time and responsibilities can be a difficult thing to navigate as a young adult—add the stress of college courses and you may just have a recipe for disaster. There is one responsibility that’s vital to a successful academic career—it’s health. Your…

Accepting Change

By Kyra Pooley It was my first time home since my mom’s diagnosis: the doctors said she had a rare form of stage four appendix cancer. I’d never even heard of that. But it’d spread to just about every other organ in her abdomen, turning…

The Little Guys

Flagler College Gargoyle students who returned home in March because of the the coronavirus continued writing stories in their communities like this story from Archer Lodge, N.C. By Cameron Gurgainus | In the small town of Archer Lodge, N.C., local businesses have it rough due…

The impacts of sea level rise on America’s Oldest City

By Sabrina Penton As the oldest city in the United States, St. Augustine’s foundation is facing huge threats.  Prone to flooding because of low-lying areas and drainage issues, it doesn’t take much but a light rainfall to cause problems.   “We know if we have hurricanes,…

A Room of My Own: What I learned from Virginia Woolf

By Lauren Piskothy | With the bat of an eye I’ve gone from the freedom of independent college living to taking Zoom classes in my childhood bedroom. But, at the very least, I have a room of my own, and for that I should be…

Local Creatives Adapt During COVID-19

By Maiya Mahoney | A deafening silence looms on St. George Street in St. Augustine, Fla. No guitar melodies flow out of local restaurants. Museums showcasing the history and culture of America’s oldest city remain closed. As the world faces the coronavirus pandemic, many people…

Kids as Numbers: The Broken Education System

By Ally Wall Crayons scattered all over desks. Scraps of construction paper on the floor like confetti. Tiny puddles of Elmer’s covering the desks waiting to be peeled off. Artwork of all colors hanging on the walls. Laughter spilling from under the door, creativity running…

Senior Student Athletes React to Cancellation of Season

By Kayla McManama For Morgan Murphy, a senior on Flagler’s softball team, news that the rest of their season had been cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic—because of a unique family connection—hit home in an unexpected way. “I started crying because I have a twin sister…

St. Augustine Homeless Community Meets Operation Reunification Program

St. Augustine police officers Steven Fischer and Caroline Drouin represent the city as outreach coordinators to address issues within the homeless community. (Photo by Peter Willott) By: Stephanie Pulido Homelessness in St. Augustine is a phenomenon visibly seen by the public eye. But there is…

Pets provide companionship during COVID-19

By Maiya Mahoney When it comes to healing and tough times, dogs may be the best medicine. A cure that comes with wagging tails and sloppy, wet kisses, many have turned to pet adoption during the global outbreak of COVID-19.  With social distancing guidelines leading…