Articles by Gargoyle

The Small Businesses of Flagler College

By Elisabeth Shirley People come from near and far to see what the city of St. Augustine has to offer, including the many independently owned businesses that each have something unique for their customers. Within the community, Flagler College students show no limits in their…

Creating the Vert Scene in St. Augustine

The Datil Pepper Vert Ramp brings the skateboarding community together By Maiya Mahoney  A math teacher at Murray Middle School and youth minister with Young Life, Brennan Gagnon is hoping to create a positive vert skate scene with The Datil Pepper Vert Ramp. “For me,…

Brace for Courage

By Ally Wall Lily Bennet, age 15, lives every day with limited use of the right side of her body. She struggles to put on shirts, to button her jeans, to unscrew the cap to her toothpaste and water bottle. She struggles tying her shoes,…

Apathy within College Students

By Gwen Nowaczyk You can see it on the internet and hear it from professors, about how apathetic or “lazy” this college generation is. They speak about how we play on our phones all day, rotting our brains to mush and wasting our time with social…

From Sit-Ins to Swim-Ins

By Casey Niebuhr | A day at the beach or a dip in the pool is one of Florida’s great pastimes. However, in 1960s St. Augustine, swimming could have you faced with violent oppression. Before the rise of chain hotels dominated American skylines, local inns…