Australia to Saints, Dixon makes impact

By Matthew Osterhouse |

Adam Dixon had a choice. He could play professional basketball in his native Australia, or leave everything to play college basketball in America.

The Saints are happy he chose America.

Dixon is playing in his final season at Flagler College. He is the lone senior and a durable leader for the men’s basketball team.

Head coach Bo Clark believes Dixon’s greatest asset is his attitude. He believes Dixon is a great teammate.

“When I say him being a teammate, I think he is a tough kid, he has a great team attitude, and he is interested in only winning, he is not interested in personal statistics,” said Clark. “I think that is the nice thing about him.”

Teammates love to be around Dixon.

“He’s crazy, but mature at the same time,” said junior guard D.J. Ferguson. “When he has to be mature he’ll be mature, but typically he’s pretty rowdy, always trying to have fun.”

Dixon was a standout in Australia, but after high school and two years in college, he needed to make a decision on his future.

“I was still playing ball, and I guess that was my one love,” said Dixon.

Flagler College head coach Bo Clark got a call from Derek Waugh, head coach of Division I Stetson University. Waugh had been scouting in Australia and noticed Dixon. Waugh recommended him to the Flagler coach.

“We got a tape on him, and I liked what I saw,” Clark said.

Clark contacted Dixon and began watching his development as a player. Dixon decided on Flagler when they offered him a scholarship.

“I figured the American route would be good because I could travel and get my education paid for, and stuff like that,” Dixon said. “You can’t beat an experience like this.”

On the court, Dixon brings understanding and a solid inside presence. Clark credits Dixon with great hands, athleticism, and finishing.

“He is probably one of the best drivers I have ever had, with just getting to the basket, driving to the goal, and finishing the play,” Clark said.

Dixon can also throw it down. Clark said he has provided many dunks that turned the momentum of a game.

“He’s got some ups, some bounce,” said freshman guard Jarrod Branco. “I call him kangaroo.”

Other teammates call him “mate.”

“I think if you talk with any of the players, they’ll all say, ‘I really enjoyed playing with the mate,'” Clark said.

Dixon now has another choice. He can go play professional basketball in his homeland, or stay in America.

“I have been asked to go home and play basketball,” Dixon said. “I don’t know if I want to do that. I could stay here and work. I really don’t know.”

The men’s basketball team does know they have enjoyed Dixon’s company.

“I hope when he looks back on his experience at Flagler, I hope he looks back and says, ‘I really, really enjoyed it,’ because we have really enjoyed having him,” Clark said.

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