Ask the Gargoyle

Why aren’t textbook lists published online?

By Andrew Sherwood

The book lists at Flagler College are incomplete until the start of the semester and students do not get their final class schedules before the semester begins.

“I E-mailed a book list for one of my fall classes so that students could know the specific edition to get,” Dr. Todd Lidh, department chair of the English said.

If the book list was made available online prior to the start of the semester, would students purchase the books from competitors of the local store?

“If this was provided I would purchase my books online for cheaper than the bookstore sells them,” sophomore Jacqueline Roche said.
Online shopping is the most popular alternative for students who are on a tight budget.

The bookstore manager, Bob Smith, acknowledges students’ desire to see book lists prior to the start of the semester, but he says the decision lies with the Flagler administration.

“Because of late hires, new adjuncts and the inevitable new editions which may or may not be released in time for the new semester,” he said.

The book lists for next semester will remain unknown until a student receives his final class schedule.
Students can, however, make requests to the administration to reveal the book list when completing online class registration.

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