Artist To Watch: Dom

By Ashley Goodman |

“I’m not a surf rock band. I’m a new rave garage club electronic muffle pop wonder. I’m not like any of these bands, really. I do this for fun, not affirmation. I want more out of life than attention. I want to destroy the world.”

There is no one out there that sounds quite like Dom. He is at the top of the garage rock scene. In 2010, he released “Sun Bronzed Greek Gods,” a low-fi indie pop album with beats that make you want to dance.

To say Dom had a rough life is an understatement. His mother gave him up to foster care when he was eight because he had red hair. “Family of Love,” a song off his EP from 2011, was written about the many families he loved and lived with while he was in foster care. “It helped me realize that ‘family’ truly is a ‘relative’ term,” he said when the Gargoyle caught up with him on Faceboo. Indeed it is.

After saving up money when he was younger, he bought his first guitar in 2006. When he first started making music, Eric Bolan, David Bowie, George Harrison and early Madonna were some of his inspirations. “Its hard to say what influences me now. Everything I write is post-modern/ADD.”

A new album is in the works as we speak. It will most likely come out earlier than its projected release date, which was October. “I’m finishing demos now. I think it will be more fun this time than it was last time, as long as we don’t end up with people who don’t understand us at all again. I think it will be a bit more mature than SBGG, but not any less fun.” Dom knows how to formulate beats to keep his listeners drawn in, no matter what he’s singing about.

Words of wisdom from Dom? “When the world won’t give you a chance, you gotta take a chance.”

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