Artist sucessfully framed

Photo by Andrea Huls
Tina Greene has four paintings on display at Gurell Galleries. The exhibit ends Oct. 7.

Tina Greene’s artwork displayed at Gurell Gallery

By Ashley Emert

Tina Greene was on the other side of the country when she found out that her painting would not be displayed in a St. Augustine gallery. Greene was visiting a friend in San Francisco when a volunteer at the St. Augustine Art Association Gallery called to tell her that her painting was framed improperly. The gallery would not display her work because they didn’t feel that it was secure enough to stay on the wall.

Greene paid a $20 admission fee to become a member of the art association, and a $10 fee for them to hang the painting. Her money was refunded when they wouldn’t hang her painting, and the junior decided to re-frame the work. This time she was successful, and now has four paintings hanging at Gurell Galleries on King Street.

Although she has been painting for about three years, Greene gained a passion for the art form early last year. “I took an oil painting class in high school,” she said. “But I didn’t really like it until I chose to do it myself.”

It usually takes the graphic design major about four hours to complete a painting. It depends on, “how much detail, research and effort I’m willing to put into it,” Greene said. “I spent nine hours on one of my favorites, and a half hour on another one of my favorites.”

Two of the pieces in the gallery, “Ode to Tony the Tiger” and “Letting Go,” are included in a three-part series that’s not yet complete. Greene usually writes something after she completes a painting about how she got to that point. “Just last Thursday I had a huge epiphany and wrote a manifesto on life and patterns of three,” she said about the tiger series.

Greene is thrilled to finally have her work up on gallery walls. After a slight bump in the road, she now has her work displayed. Speaking about this newfound recognition, she jokingly said, “I don’t even know if I’ll be able to leave my apartment because my head’s so big.”

“Captivation,” “Wink Blink,” “Ode to Tony the Tiger,” and “Letting Go” are on display at the Gurell Gallery located at 142B King Street.

There are also links to them on Greene’s web site

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