Broken foot frustrates senior tennis player, hampers season

By Meg Weathersby |

Flagler tennis player Roxanne Alt started off her senior season with an unexpected injury that has forced her on crutches. She broke her foot.

“It is very frustrating because I was very excited about this last season of my college career,” Alt said. “I was in shape and ready to play my best.”

Alt plays on the woman’s tennis team and after only competing in two matches she broke her foot and is now out for most if not all of the 2010 season.

Without being able to play, Alt finds other ways to support her team. Alt makes sure she travels with the team so that she can be there for the people that have helped her though this recent injury.

“Even though I cannot play, I want to support them and I want to be there for them,” Alt said.

This season the tennis team has played well and is showcasing true talent in the Peach Belt Conference. The team is doing, “very well; one of our strengths is that we get along so well,” Alt said.

Alt is from a small town outside of Geneva, Switzerland and she came to Flagler for the opportunity to play tennis. She says it is hard to go through a recovery so far away from her family, but she relies on her teammates to uplift her.

“Since I do not have any family in the states it is hard some days and I know I can count on my team, they are very supportive,” Alt said. “Some days I am down and they are here for me, both guys and girls.”

Alt gets her “boot cast” off in two weeks and is anxious to hear if she can play for the last bit of the season. She hopes that the team is able to compete in the post-season so that she can compete in more matches.

Alt says that her injuries have prevented her from doing what she loves.

“I really hope that nobody has to experience this,” Alt said.

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