A Session With…Eric Taylor

By Ray Jarvis
Photo contributed

Eric Taylor, who surfed professionally on the World Qualifying Series (WQS), has chosen Flagler College as his place to take a break from it all. We asked him a few questions to get to know him.

Hometown: Vero Beach, Fla.

Sponsors: ezekeil, vonzipper, bean dip, and maui nix surf shop

Recent passport stamps: I was in Hawaii and brazil this past winter.

Why the change to college: I got super burnt out from traveling 9 months out of the year and needed a change in my life.

Plans for the near future: for right now i just wanna have alot of fun surfing. I’m going to do the NSSA events for flagler and some select pro events, but mainly focus on school.

Most memorable moment on the QS: I had such an awesome experience traveling and competing on the WQS. I surfed so many heats though most of them are a blur. This year in brazil me and a couple of buddys lost ou tearly in th ecomp so we flew to floranopilis and stayed in the city for 4 days. they party in that city till the sun comes up. It was pretty fun.

What have you been riding lately, any particular favorite: I’ve been riding steve boysen’s boards lately. they have been working really good. He shapes out of san diego. I also got a matt kechele that is going really good.

Best recent session: Best recent session was this last hurricane swell. The waves were pumping behind our house at 10th street.

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