A session with…

Andrew Gregorie

Over the last year or so, Flagler College has become synonymous with good surfing. Leading the way for the Flagler surf team has been the dominant sophomore Andrew Gregorie. Continually placing amongst the top ranks in last years NSSA events, Gregorie and the Flagler surf team made an impression by placing second in Easterns, and placing first overall for collegiate teams on the East Coast. A long four months have passed since last semester and we caught up with Andrew to see how he spent his time.

Hometown: Charlestown, South Carolina

Sponsors: Fox, ADIO, WOOSTER surfboards, Parrot Surf Shop, SC., Aqua East surf shop, St.Aug.

Waves have been pretty good lately, been going to class, or hitting the water? I’ve been Surfing around classes, I’ve got to be good about that. Been surfing right before and right after.

Where did you end up traveling to this summer? Went to California for Nationals and had really good waves. Lowers was a huge wall. After Cali, I want to Costa Rica from July 11-27th, We had solid swell the whole time, perfect waves. From Costa I was in New Smyrna for a few days and then headed back to South Carolina. In SC I worked at the Parrot Surf Shop, I also ended up winning State Championships in a really exciting final heat.

Where were the best waves/swell of the summer? Definitely Costa Rica. Solid 8-10-foot swell for two weeks straight. We just had swell after swell. I was in Hermosa for most of it.

Where do you hope to see your surfing take you? I just want bigger waves and bigger barrels, that’s all. Traveling to bigger and better waves.

What’s your favorite board been lately? 5’5″ JS has been fun when it’s small, but my Woosters are doing great in real surf.

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