A final session with Ty Williams

Photo contributed
Ty providing some peaceful inspiration for passersby.

By Ryan Brower

Students graduate from Flagler every year who inspire others and show students that if you set your mind to something and want it bad enough you can make it happen. In case you didn’t know, Ty Williams will be graduating at the end of this semester, and certainly fits under the headline of an inspirational person.

Williams is a communication major who hails from the northeast, Maine to be specific. He is an illustrator for the up and coming N’East Magazine and has already had a few art showings that exhibited his fresh and distinctive style. When asked where his ideas for his unconventional art come from he had this to say, “My art really stems from my life. Especially skateboarding, my dreams, cartoons, and my friends.”

He is also involved with the innovative wooden surfboard company Grain Surfboards, which was started by two of his best friends. He’s been surfing since sixth grade and has traveled to places like Costa Rica, Canada, Mexico, and California.

After school he plans to continuing making things with his hands, as well as surfing and traveling. But he’s always going to be attached to Flagler. “The thing I’ll probably miss the most is the first day of the semester surf session at the pier… it’s a good time,” said Williams. Remember his name, because you will surely see it again.

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