Students show interest in sea level rise film

Photo provided by Jeffrey Davitt, Assistant Director of Development.

Photo provided by Jeffrey Davitt, Assistant Director of Development.

By Mallory Hopkins |

ST. AUGUSTINE, FLORIDA–Flagler College students poured in for free pizza and a short film this Monday at noon. Donald Addu is the Southeast Director of the Citizens’ Climate Lobby and he came to Flagler College to show a film produced by Adaptation Now, called “Facing the Surge.”

So many students ended up coming to the event that staff had to bring in more chairs for everyone to sit.

The 20-minute film that was shown during the event began with citizens from Norfolk, Virginia and how often they experience flooding and how it affects their daily life. This city showed the direct and immediate effects of sea level rise. Students watched as person after person told their accounts of the flooding.

The film then introduced the Citizens’ Climate Lobby and what they’re doing to mitigate climate change. The idea was introduced by showing the affects on Norfolk to show viewers that climate change is happening right now and it’s happening to real people.

The Citizens’ Climate Lobby (CCL) advocate for a specific solution to all of these problems: A Carbon Fee Dividend. They are proposing that companies that harvest fossil fuels must pay a Carbon Fee to harvest them.

After the film, Addu expanded on what CCL does and encouraged students to write messages to their senators after the event, which they offered forms for, and to get more information on CCL.

The event was hosted by the Association of Fundraising Professionals club.

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