Movie Review: ‘Jumper’

By Amy Gray |

Imagine being trapped or in danger, and instead of waiting for rescue or death, you think of a safer place, and in seconds you are there, delivered from harm. This ability is what David Rice (Hayden Christensen) discovers about himself one icy winter day when he steps on thin ice and is suddenly trapped under the frozen surface of a river. The next moment, he is soaking wet lying on a pile of books in the public library.

This scenario may sound stranger than fiction, but in the new action flick “Jumper,” it is reality. Somewhat like “X-Men,” it is another story of “What would happen if human beings could do this?” In this case, the phenomenon is the ability to teleport at will to anywhere in the world. David starts out living large with millions of dollars teleported from a vault in New York, going anywhere on earth that he wishes at any time. With all things too good to be true, however, there is a catch.

David discovers that he is not the only one with these powers. People like him can go back to ancient times. This amazing race of “Jumpers” is hunted by the Paladins, an ancient organization that is sworn to kill off all Jumpers. The lead Paladin is unrelenting Roland (Samuel Jackson), who represents death, not only for Jumpers, but for anyone who stands in his way.

“Only God should have the power to be everywhere at once,” he says before he kills. It quickly becomes David’s and fellow Jumper Griffin’s (Jamie Bell) quest to defeat Roland and his legion of Paladins. David’s life goes from pure fun and games to a mission to stop this killer and protect those he loves, including high school sweetheart Millie (Rachel Bilson).

The movie was good but did not reach me on the emotional level I expected. It’s still definitely worth seeing, however. I would recommend it, if for no other reason than the movie indulges old childhood fantasies of being able to do anything and go anywhere. That, and the joy of seeing handsome Hayden Christensen up close on the big screen.

Rated PG-13 for sequences of intense action violence, some language and brief sexuality; 90 min.

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