tea party

Seven things too embarrassing to ask about the government shutdown

It wasn’t just our government officials who weren’t on the same page. Countless American’s didn’t know what the government shut down was or what it even meant. In general, the media didn’t serve the populace well, pushing agendas on both sides. So I’ve come up with the seven questions you were too embarrassed to ask about the government shut down.

Where’s the Tea Party?

By Hannah Bleau | gargoyle@flagler.edu

The last election cycle was a devastating loss for the GOP and its counterparts. Undoubtedly, the GOP had a tremendous victory in the 2010 Midterm Elections, but in 2012, something was not as prevalent as before: The Tea Party.

Cain and Bachmann speak at Tea Party event before Convention start

By Joshua Santos | gargoyle@flagler.edu

Editor’s Note: The Gargoyle’s Josh Santos is in Tampa covering the Republican National Convention.

With Tropical Storm Isaac delaying the start of the Republican National Convention, hundreds of supporters and Tea Party members gathered on Sunday evening in The River at Tampa Bay Church to hear former GOP presidential hopefuls speak.