The Unaffordable Don’t Care Act
The media is packed with information on the new healthcare bill, commonly known as ObamaCare. Despite the complexity of the law, new statistics are coming out suggesting that millennials are actually not signing up.
The media is packed with information on the new healthcare bill, commonly known as ObamaCare. Despite the complexity of the law, new statistics are coming out suggesting that millennials are actually not signing up.
October 1, 2013 was a thrilling day for the nation. That was that popular consensus of most media outlets, at least.
By Hannah Bleau |
The world notoriously stereotypes college students as sedentary. Life consists of sleeping in, eating pizza and free doughnuts, wasting money, and half-caring about school. But this stereotype isn’t always true. Many students are faced with many obstacles that they need to overcome, and by no doubt, need all the help they can get. One of the biggest obstacles has been health care, and many college students are wondering about this big question: Is ObamaCare going to hurt or help college students?
By Tiffanie Reynolds |
Out of the 955 people that stood in line outside of the Ketterlinus Elementary School Gymnasium, many said Obama’s policies on education and health care are what is spurring their support.
By Joshua Santos |
Editor’s Note: The Gargoyle’s Josh Santos is in Tampa covering the Republican National Convention.
With Tropical Storm Isaac delaying the start of the Republican National Convention, hundreds of supporters and Tea Party members gathered on Sunday evening in The River at Tampa Bay Church to hear former GOP presidential hopefuls speak.